The  site portrays standard GR-LCDM as a sort of new Ptolemaic system in that GR-LCDM posits several free parameters in an attempt at self-consistency.  This site explores:  The New Ptolemaic System:
How the Hot Big Bang theory became ascendant in Modern Cosmology 

Unexpected Large-Scale Structures & Violations of Homogeneity and Isotropy raise three questions in the search for empirically-testable, scientific cosmologies. (1) Would these titanic structures require more cosmic time to interact and form than allowed by the current ΛCDM concordance edition of the HBBC (~13.8 Gya)? (2) Are there peculiar features of these survey maps which indicate that there is a non-Hubble relation component contributing to the redshifts of some of the galaxies in clusters and super-clusters? (3) Are there any data suggesting that the temperature fluctuations of the CMB are connected with the large-scale structure of the Universe?

The answers to all three of these questions are likely to be, Yes!